Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Myth of the "Well-Rounded Applicant"

Something I forgot to mention on my first post was that I welcome any questions and I will do my best to answer them. If it's very interesting, I will feature it on my blog and answer it there.

You've heard it. Colleges want "well-rounded applicants". What does that even mean? It means you're at least good at everything you do. Good GPA, strong SAT scores, president of a club, varsity athletics, class president, lead actor in theater, etc. Honestly, of the many different possible factors to be well-rounded, it's a good bet to pick 3 and develop them. You should be in good shape. (A circle perhaps?) However, the claim that only a "well-rounded applicant" can get accepted into a good school is incorrect. A well-pointed applicant is very strong in the college admissions process as well. What does that mean? Be very, VERY strong and deep in a particular area. Love math? Make the USAMO. Love Science? Enter the national science fairs such as Siemens. Love writing? Write a New York Times Bestseller. Standing out in a particular subject in such a bright way is a neon sign for colleges that says "take me and I will make your school look good later". As long as the applicant isn't a felon, you should be fine. (Maybe unless you're as good as Will Hunting?) Watch Good Will Hunting if you haven't. It's really good.

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